Thursday, April 17, 2008


I sometimes wonder whether or not I might be crazy, I always have the strangest stuff pop into my head. And since I've been told that my family has a history of mental illness, I sometimes wonder. Though I'm sure that if I had anything other than a hefty case of Attention Deficit Disorder some sort of symptom would have shown itself by now. In any case all suspicions and worries aside I will tell you what my strange conversation was.

I few days ago I was asked the question of what I thought would be the worst way to die, as well as which would be the best, a strange and morbid question. But I'm no one to turn down any sort of discussion of a philosophical nature. As I thought of what would be the worst way to die, many different emotions popped into my head. PAIN, SUFFERING, SURPRISE, anticipation, loneliness, regret. "Which of these would be the worst?" I've always had a huge tolerance for pain, it might be because I've been a martial artist since I was 6, or because I've seen a lot of pain in my days elsewhere, who really cares, I don't think I'm afraid of that. As a matter of fact, none of those details of death really bother me. with the exception of surprise. It's a strange thing, most of the people I've talked to about this since then have said they'd like to just die suddenly, in their sleep would be the best way. I think that that would be the worst. As someone who lost a father very suddenly I'd say the idea is very selfish because it hits the family harder. I feel as though dying, separated from the ones who hold dear suddenly would be the worst way to go.

On the flip side of that I think the best way to go would be to drown. Which is something that most people said would be the worst way, And I realize It contradicts what I said in the previous paragraph because you can't really know if you're going to drown but my argument is pretty good. You're brain releases a chemical called DMT naturally, this chemical is commonly regarded as the cause of your life flashing before your eyes, interactions with deities, and life changing experiences or philosophies associated with death. Basically it makes you hallucinate like crazy. And drowning is a unique way to die because of the human body's reaction to water. Humans have what is called a mammalian diving reflex, which slows down oxygen use while submerged, as well, when water is inhaled or swallowed suddenly you experience a laryngospasm.
These two things in combination are said to release a massive amount of DMT to the brain causing a sense of euphoria and warmth, you relax and let go. That's my conclusion.

Enough of this dreary talk it's time for some entertainment.

This is Tony Vs. Paul, an excellent stop motion video that has an awesome song!

1 comment:

Sylvia said...

I hate to say it Wes, but I actually agree with you on this one. Even though I am a complete "wiener" so to speak, I would like to know that I am going to die before it happens. This way of thinking, for me was inspired by the book "Tuesdays With Morrie". I was forced to read this book for my LAS class, Celebrating Life and Preparing for Loss. In this book, Morrie is diagnosed with ALS. Rather than being all depressed for his last year of life, he looked at the brighter side of things. He was able to help his family work through it. I would the end of my life to happen in a similar fashion. I would endure any amount of pain to make sure that my family doesn't have to.