Tuesday, February 5, 2008


"No matter the starting point, we are led from topic to topic, every person making a contribution with ideas and observations which are unique to themselves." Cady Russell

This Idea that Cady made in her response to a quote by Susan Sontag, really stood out to me. I have often thought of how a conversation progresses through different ideas or perceptions being brought to whatever is being discussed at that instant, and how those responses can twist and contort the direction of the conversation through realization or anecdote. It seems to be a perfect mini model of how chaos and chance happen to drive everything around us and how one misplaced step, inspiring anecdote, or drifted thought can lead to what might be a life changing action or event.

Picture of a wormhole

The worm hole is a bend in space time that essentially puts any two points right next to each through a gravitational gateway. I choose this image because it encompasses in my mind the same concept of conversation. There are an infinite number of places that a conversation can go, and sometimes they don't necessarily progress to a field or subject that is directly linked to the subject before hand, therefore conversation is like a worm hole.

My comment to Drew Placek

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