Thursday, February 14, 2008

Writting project w/ dilemma

I've considered many different ideas for our writing projects that are just ahead. Most 0f them are flawed though and I would not be able to make them into a suitable "project." However I had an idea last night as I tried to sleep and couldn't. There is a spot in my hometown that overlooks all of the neighboring city of Omaha. It's not a lookout point because almost no one knows about it it's too far out of town.
To my friends and I it's known as "The spot." Now obviously it's a place that I'm familiar with so it wont work either, but the act of finding it in the first place would work. "Ninja," we called it. Late at night traverse the town to a set destination, and be seen by no one. Diving into bushes, hoping fences, tuck and rolls, anything to not be seen. I experienced some of the more brilliant things in my life playing this game. It changes every time. Now carrying/writing in a notebook while I dodge cars is impossible. But perhaps a nighttime walk to another hidden vantage point, one more gem I could add to my collection of sights now that is something to write about. (I probably would have anyway.) As a kid most of what I did was exploring, I would find quick routes to anywhere in my hometown through the thick wooded bluffs or crevasses that my home town is known for.

I have been to the far reaches without even touching a street. But there are areas of my hometown that I haven't accessed, or anyone has for that matter, maybe I'll make that my project.

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